Billwerk+ provides a cloud-based platform for payments, billing, and subscription management, simplifying the management and billing of recurring and consumption-based services. In this way, Billwerk+’s platform contributes significantly to the digital value chain for subscription business models. Today, Billwerk+ employs more than 150 employees at five locations: Frankfurt, Kempten, Copenhagen, Montpellier and Gdansk. With Europe in our DNA, it is our mission to enable and leverage the growth of European businesses. We partner with our customers to optimize and transform their business through a cutting-edge SaaS product portfolio and our consolidated expertise, thereby equipping them with the means for success – in Europe and beyond.
Billwerk+ provides a cloud-based platform for payments, billing, and subscription management, simplifying the management and billing of recurring and consumption-based services. In this way, Billwerk+’s platform contributes significantly to the digital value chain for subscription business models. Today, Billwerk+ employs more than 150 employees at five locations: Frankfurt, Kempten, Copenhagen, Montpellier and Gdansk. With Europe in our DNA, it is our mission to enable and leverage the growth of European businesses. We partner with our customers to optimize and transform their business through a cutting-edge SaaS product portfolio and our consolidated expertise, thereby equipping them with the means for success – in Europe and beyond.
PaynoPain es una fintech española que nace en el año 2011 con el objetivo de ofrecer cobertura de pagos a escala global para todo tipo de empresas. En 2020 consiguió la Licencia de Entidad de Pagos otorgada por el Banco de España, lo que le permite ofrecer soluciones de pago seguras tanto online como físicas, y poner a disposición de sus clientes más de 50 métodos de pago. En la actualidad, desarrolla proyectos tecnológicos relacionados con los medios de pago en más de 35 países, ofreciendo soluciones innovadoras para empresas de diversos tamaños y sectores, desde pymes y startups hasta grandes empresas, cubriendo sectores como ecommerce, hoteles, restauración y hostelería, microcréditos y marketplaces, entre otros.
PaynoPain es una fintech española que nace en el año 2011 con el objetivo de ofrecer cobertura de pagos a escala global para todo tipo de empresas. En 2020 consiguió la Licencia de Entidad de Pagos otorgada por el Banco de España, lo que le permite ofrecer soluciones de pago seguras tanto online como físicas, y poner a disposición de sus clientes más de 50 métodos de pago. En la actualidad, desarrolla proyectos tecnológicos relacionados con los medios de pago en más de 35 países, ofreciendo soluciones innovadoras para empresas de diversos tamaños y sectores, desde pymes y startups hasta grandes empresas, cubriendo sectores como ecommerce, hoteles, restauración y hostelería, microcréditos y marketplaces, entre otros.
Clearhaus provides simple, innovative, and straightforward acquiring services to online merchants. We are determined to innovate and develop our services for the future. Clearhaus A/S is licensed as a Payment Institution by the Danish Financial Services Authority and a Principal Member of Visa and Mastercard.
Clearhaus provides simple, innovative, and straightforward acquiring services to online merchants. We are determined to innovate and develop our services for the future. Clearhaus A/S is licensed as a Payment Institution by the Danish Financial Services Authority and a Principal Member of Visa and Mastercard.
Somos una herramienta de inclusión financiera para millones de personas y PyMEs en América Latina // Somos uma ferramenta de inclusão financeira para milhões de pessoas e pequenas e médias empresas na América Latina
Somos una herramienta de inclusión financiera para millones de personas y PyMEs en América Latina // Somos uma ferramenta de inclusão financeira para milhões de pessoas e pequenas e médias empresas na América Latina
Somos la empresa líder en infraestructura fintech que conecta a corporaciones globales con instituciones financieras de Latinoamérica y Estados Unidos. Nos especializamos en la creación de infraestructura tecnológica innovadora, con un énfasis particular en las Interfaces de Programación de Aplicaciones (APIs) bancarias. Así habilitamos el acceso a más de 500 conexiones en 283 instituciones financieras en 11 países. Con Prometeo, empresas de todo el mundo pueden conectarse a instituciones financieras de una manera más simple, rápida y segura, al mismo tiempo que reducen el trabajo manual y generan eficiencias en sus procesos. En Prometeo resolvemos y automatizamos el acceso a datos bancarios, validación de cuentas bancarias e iniciación de pagos de cuenta a cuenta.
Somos la empresa líder en infraestructura fintech que conecta a corporaciones globales con instituciones financieras de Latinoamérica y Estados Unidos. Nos especializamos en la creación de infraestructura tecnológica innovadora, con un énfasis particular en las Interfaces de Programación de Aplicaciones (APIs) bancarias. Así habilitamos el acceso a más de 500 conexiones en 283 instituciones financieras en 11 países. Con Prometeo, empresas de todo el mundo pueden conectarse a instituciones financieras de una manera más simple, rápida y segura, al mismo tiempo que reducen el trabajo manual y generan eficiencias en sus procesos. En Prometeo resolvemos y automatizamos el acceso a datos bancarios, validación de cuentas bancarias e iniciación de pagos de cuenta a cuenta.
Dejamobile is a European Fintech at the forefront of contactless payments since 2012. Our white label digital payment solutions are used by major banks, issuers, acquirers, prepaid program managers and Fintechs. The two core solutions from our portfolio are addressing the needs of the payments industry, supporting both the Issuing and Acceptance sides of the ecosystem. ReadyToTapTM Payment range of solutions is leading in the French market and among the pioneers in Europe. ReadyToTapTM Payment for Issuers enables Issuer Wallets, OEM-Pay enablement, Token Management for card issuers ReadyToTapTM Payment for Merchants, a Software POS solution dedicated to Acquirers and Merchant Service Providers and designed for Merchants. This solution allows contactless payment acceptance on any Android NFC off-the-shelf device by just downloading an app.
Dejamobile is a European Fintech at the forefront of contactless payments since 2012. Our white label digital payment solutions are used by major banks, issuers, acquirers, prepaid program managers and Fintechs. The two core solutions from our portfolio are addressing the needs of the payments industry, supporting both the Issuing and Acceptance sides of the ecosystem. ReadyToTapTM Payment range of solutions is leading in the French market and among the pioneers in Europe. ReadyToTapTM Payment for Issuers enables Issuer Wallets, OEM-Pay enablement, Token Management for card issuers ReadyToTapTM Payment for Merchants, a Software POS solution dedicated to Acquirers and Merchant Service Providers and designed for Merchants. This solution allows contactless payment acceptance on any Android NFC off-the-shelf device by just downloading an app.
Bank and card payments, BLIK, refunds, financing & shipping for online stores. Join 6,000 ecommerce merchants & start enjoying low fees & top-notch customer support today.
Bank and card payments, BLIK, refunds, financing & shipping for online stores. Join 6,000 ecommerce merchants & start enjoying low fees & top-notch customer support today.
Seit 1899 ist die Aachener Bank als regionaler Partner vor Ort in Aachen und Umgebung tätig. Wir sind anders. Wir sind eine Genossenschaftsbank und damit unseren Kunden und Mitgliedern verpflichtet - und das aus Überzeugung. Was einer alleine nicht schafft, das erreichen viele gemeinsam. Die genossenschaftliche Idee ist ein Gewinn für alle und unsere Leitlinie als engagiertes Unternehmen in der Region Aachen. Unsere Verbundenheit zur Region zeigt sich, neben unseren Dienstleistungen als lebenslanger Finanzpartner, vor allem bei zahlreichen Aktionen und Veranstaltungen, an denen wir als Initiator, Sponsor sowie Unterstützer auftreten. Unsere wichtigste Ressource – unsere Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter. Immer wieder suchen wir Menschen, die mit uns erfolgreich sein wollen. Unsere genossenschaftlichen Werte wie Fairness, Solidarität und Partnerschaftlichkeit prägen nicht nur das Verhältnis zu unseren Kunden, sondern auch das zu unseren Mitarbeitern.
Seit 1899 ist die Aachener Bank als regionaler Partner vor Ort in Aachen und Umgebung tätig. Wir sind anders. Wir sind eine Genossenschaftsbank und damit unseren Kunden und Mitgliedern verpflichtet - und das aus Überzeugung. Was einer alleine nicht schafft, das erreichen viele gemeinsam. Die genossenschaftliche Idee ist ein Gewinn für alle und unsere Leitlinie als engagiertes Unternehmen in der Region Aachen. Unsere Verbundenheit zur Region zeigt sich, neben unseren Dienstleistungen als lebenslanger Finanzpartner, vor allem bei zahlreichen Aktionen und Veranstaltungen, an denen wir als Initiator, Sponsor sowie Unterstützer auftreten. Unsere wichtigste Ressource – unsere Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter. Immer wieder suchen wir Menschen, die mit uns erfolgreich sein wollen. Unsere genossenschaftlichen Werte wie Fairness, Solidarität und Partnerschaftlichkeit prägen nicht nur das Verhältnis zu unseren Kunden, sondern auch das zu unseren Mitarbeitern.
Bankingly is a platform that allows all financial institutions to have their own online and mobile Banking. Through these channels, your customers will be able to operate and interact with your institution in different ways: making internal, national, and international transfers, checking balances and movements of accounts, paying local services, managing their credit cards, requesting loans, and other custom products and services. More than 100 institutions throughout Latin America and Africa trust their digital channels to us.
Bankingly is a platform that allows all financial institutions to have their own online and mobile Banking. Through these channels, your customers will be able to operate and interact with your institution in different ways: making internal, national, and international transfers, checking balances and movements of accounts, paying local services, managing their credit cards, requesting loans, and other custom products and services. More than 100 institutions throughout Latin America and Africa trust their digital channels to us.
Wir sind die führende Universalbank für Privat- und Firmenkunden im Kanton Aargau und haben auch institutionellen Anlegerinnen viel zu bieten. Zu unseren Stärken zählen die persönliche, auf Sie zugeschnittene Beratung und die regionale Nähe zu Ihnen. Wir sind in 32 Geschäftsstellen im Kanton Aargau und im angrenzenden solothurnischen Gebiet Olten-Gösgen-Gäu für Sie da. Die AKB zählt rund 890 Mitarbeitende; davon sind zirka 10 % Lernende und Praktikanten. Wir betreuen rund 230'000 Kundinnen und Kunden. Die Ratingagentur Standard & Poor’s hat uns 2022 mit einem AA+ Rating ausgezeichnet. Damit gehören wir zu den bestbewerteten Banken weltweit. Unsere Grundwerte (Vertrauen, Fokussierung, Verantwortung, Leidenschaft) und Führungsgrundsätze prägen die Unternehmenskultur und sind zentrale Erfolgsfaktoren. Mit unserer leistungsbezogenen und menschenorientierten Unternehmenskultur sind wir im Wirtschaftsraum Aargau eine attraktive Arbeitgeberin.
Wir sind die führende Universalbank für Privat- und Firmenkunden im Kanton Aargau und haben auch institutionellen Anlegerinnen viel zu bieten. Zu unseren Stärken zählen die persönliche, auf Sie zugeschnittene Beratung und die regionale Nähe zu Ihnen. Wir sind in 32 Geschäftsstellen im Kanton Aargau und im angrenzenden solothurnischen Gebiet Olten-Gösgen-Gäu für Sie da. Die AKB zählt rund 890 Mitarbeitende; davon sind zirka 10 % Lernende und Praktikanten. Wir betreuen rund 230'000 Kundinnen und Kunden. Die Ratingagentur Standard & Poor’s hat uns 2022 mit einem AA+ Rating ausgezeichnet. Damit gehören wir zu den bestbewerteten Banken weltweit. Unsere Grundwerte (Vertrauen, Fokussierung, Verantwortung, Leidenschaft) und Führungsgrundsätze prägen die Unternehmenskultur und sind zentrale Erfolgsfaktoren. Mit unserer leistungsbezogenen und menschenorientierten Unternehmenskultur sind wir im Wirtschaftsraum Aargau eine attraktive Arbeitgeberin.
Glocash Payment, established in 2017, is a licensed payment service provider with MSO license (No.21-05-03017) and EMI license (No.304596376), offering cross-border online payment collection services for credit cards and local payment methods.We provide a one-stop acquiring and payment solution using one API,which is safe, compliant, convenient and user-friendly for global merchants specializing in the fields like video games,digital goods,social applications,subscriptions,e-commerce and etc. We are a multinational company with offices across the globe,that have UAB Glocash Payment,Glocash Payment HK Limited and other campanies. Products and Services: Payment Gateway Services As a PCI-DSS certified company, we support global credit and debit cards payments including Visa,MasterCard,American Express,JCB,Discover & Diners Cards etc. ,with competitive rates.
Glocash Payment, established in 2017, is a licensed payment service provider with MSO license (No.21-05-03017) and EMI license (No.304596376), offering cross-border online payment collection services for credit cards and local payment methods.We provide a one-stop acquiring and payment solution using one API,which is safe, compliant, convenient and user-friendly for global merchants specializing in the fields like video games,digital goods,social applications,subscriptions,e-commerce and etc. We are a multinational company with offices across the globe,that have UAB Glocash Payment,Glocash Payment HK Limited and other campanies. Products and Services: Payment Gateway Services As a PCI-DSS certified company, we support global credit and debit cards payments including Visa,MasterCard,American Express,JCB,Discover & Diners Cards etc. ,with competitive rates.
We develop local and international alliances, and we integrate partners, technologies and functionalities, in one platform with unlimited capabilities. With one API integration your company can land in a country without a local entity and get funds into the company bank account anywhere worldwide.
We develop local and international alliances, and we integrate partners, technologies and functionalities, in one platform with unlimited capabilities. With one API integration your company can land in a country without a local entity and get funds into the company bank account anywhere worldwide.
Embedded Finance for the digital economy OpenPayd is a leading global payments and banking-as-a-service platform that provides a range of banking and payment services to both financial and non-financial institutions. Our services are underpinned by a global network of licences and are accessible through a single API. These include IBANs, open banking, e-money accounts, FX conversion, local and international payments, card processing and debit cards. We believe that all businesses - irrespective of their size or industry - should be able to access the best payment and banking services. We provide all of our services through a simple, flexible and scalable platform.
Embedded Finance for the digital economy OpenPayd is a leading global payments and banking-as-a-service platform that provides a range of banking and payment services to both financial and non-financial institutions. Our services are underpinned by a global network of licences and are accessible through a single API. These include IBANs, open banking, e-money accounts, FX conversion, local and international payments, card processing and debit cards. We believe that all businesses - irrespective of their size or industry - should be able to access the best payment and banking services. We provide all of our services through a simple, flexible and scalable platform.
PayEx is a payment service provider owned by Swedbank that comprises a number of companies with around 750 employees in four countries: Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. PayEx offers payment solutions for online, mobile and physical trading (retail) as well as administrative services related to invoicing, ledger-handling and debt collection. PayEx also provides financial services such as factoring, part-payments and loans.
PayEx is a payment service provider owned by Swedbank that comprises a number of companies with around 750 employees in four countries: Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. PayEx offers payment solutions for online, mobile and physical trading (retail) as well as administrative services related to invoicing, ledger-handling and debt collection. PayEx also provides financial services such as factoring, part-payments and loans.
You may not be aware of it, but you encounter Bankart processes every single day; by using plastic money, ATMs and self-service POS terminals, and by operating with special payment orders, payment orders, direct credits, direct debits, standing orders in cooperation with our Contact center, the number of which appears on an ATM screen for your assistance; we also install, service and maintain POS terminals … We’re always there, though you may not even notice us …
In 2009 Bankart joined other European clearing companies which process SEPA Credit Transfers. Bankart processes large numbers of SEPA compliant payment instructions. The infrastructure meets all SEPA requirements and is fully SEPA compliant according to the SEPA-compliance criteria defined by Eurosystem.
You may not be aware of it, but you encounter Bankart processes every single day; by using plastic money, ATMs and self-service POS terminals, and by operating with special payment orders, payment orders, direct credits, direct debits, standing orders in cooperation with our Contact center, the number of which appears on an ATM screen for your assistance; we also install, service and maintain POS terminals … We’re always there, though you may not even notice us …
In 2009 Bankart joined other European clearing companies which process SEPA Credit Transfers. Bankart processes large numbers of SEPA compliant payment instructions. The infrastructure meets all SEPA requirements and is fully SEPA compliant according to the SEPA-compliance criteria defined by Eurosystem.